About Us
Nordic Green Travel

Founders and Owners are Daði Már Steinsson and Grétar Ingi Erlendsson (see below). We met at the University of Iceland during our studies in Tourism services. Astonishingly we shared the exact same ideology and decided to found a travel agency together. Nordic Green Travel would act as our platform to do good and enable us to allocate resources towards environmental protection. We thought: “people want to travel so why not offer a more responsible option?”.
We used our studies to form the concept as well as using our B.sc. project to create a marketing plan for the business. We talked to over 500 travelers in Iceland asking them about responsible and green tourism. The results showed that most travelers in Iceland want to travel in a more sustainable way. Our project was awarded as the most “excellent final project in tourism” by the Icelandic Tourism Research Center and the Icelandic Travel Association.
Nordic Green Travel was established in late 2016 and opened for business in March 2017. Our main focus is to make sure that the amazing nature of Iceland stays intact by incorporating sustainability into our business practices. We aim to be the leading responsible travel agency in Iceland. We do everything we can to minimize the negative effects of travel so people can enjoy the breathtaking views and powerful displays of mother nature for years to come. We also make sure that all services are of the highest quality standards and handpick our partners in order to provide the best experience for our customers. We want your stay in Iceland to be exciting, memorable and above all fun!
By choosing Nordic Green Travel you will not only get affordable prices and personal service, but also the added value of offsetting the carbon footprint of your travels.
We support responsible travel in Iceland. We love travel and everything about it. We do, however, realize tourism’s contribution to the global climate change problem. That’s why we want to help reduce the negative effects caused by travelling to nature. By choosing Nordic Green Travel you are taking steps towards minimizing these effects without having to sacrifice quality, boycott activities or emptying your bank account. We offer the best possible prices available from tour operators, which means you will get the same price as you would by shopping directly from them. In addition, we carbon neutralize all tours sold via our website with no extra costs for our customers. We also allocate part of the revenue to environmental projects that aim to preserve and restore the nature. All our operators are fully certified and put great emphasis on delivering quality service. With today’s transportation methods, travelling will never be fully sustainable but by booking your trip via our website you are taking responsibility for the carbon emissions of your travels.

Carbon offsetting project
Nordic Green Travel has from the start been an environmentally friendly operation. The core of our operation is about helping travellers minimize the negative effects of their travels in the easiest way possible and with that try to get more travellers to take steps towards more responsible travelling and consumption. All tours sold by Nordic Green Travel will be carbon offset by planting trees through the forestry project “Plant a tree in Iceland”.
The carbon neutralization is done by planting trees in collaboration with The Kolviður Fund, founded by the Icelandic Forestry Association and The Icelandic Environment Association. The number of trees is calculated by the distance travelled in accordance to the offset agreement. The objective of the collaboration is to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere by increasing the sequestration of forest ecosystems, binding the soil and reducing soil erosion.
No matter what your travel needs are, we are always available to you. Contact us here or email us at info@nordicgreentravel.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Daði Már Steinsson is Nordic Green Travel’s co-founder, co-owner and Manager.
- dadimar@nordicgreentravel.com
I am born and raised in a small town in the East fjords of Iceland. Being raised under the majestic mountains and in the wild nature of East Iceland, I have always had a profound respect for nature. Whether it’s travelling around our beautiful country, fishing in our pristine lakes or rivers, or hunting in the mountains, I love nothing more than taking time off from daily life and being in nature. Travelling is a passion of mine and I would love to help you discover Iceland, my home.
If you need any assistance at all or would like to get in touch with me, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Grétar Ingi Erlendsson is Nordic Green Travel’s co-founder and Marketing & Sales Manager.
- gretaringi@nordicgreentravel.com
Since I was a little boy I have been travelling in the unparalleled nature of Iceland. At first my parents used to take me and my brother all over the country, either camping, visiting relatives and family friends, or just to see and learn about the stunning natural attractions here. It is safe to say that I found my first love at a very early age, this extraordinary country that I can proudly call home. As I got older I started to travel on my own. This meant I was able to venture further and explore places that I had never seen before. The highlands became my playground and in a sense a safe haven that I could use to escape from the responsibilities and reality of everyday life.
If you ever need anything or want to know anything about my beautiful Iceland, please don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂